It’ll be interesting to see how accurate this is to Stephen’s look in the film. The puzzle also shows an updated look to Strange’s costume, which now sports the classic blue symbol. Shuma-Gorath is an ancient demon with enormous power it has been rumored since the earliest days of production on Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness that Shuma-Gorath would be in pursuit of America Chavez and that pursuit would lead him into the Sacred Timeline where he’d do battle with Doctor Strange. The 1,000-piece puzzle, available for pre-order through Booktopia, shows Doctor Strange in battle with the multiversal monster Shuma-Gorath. Twitter user tipped us off this morning to a couple of products that showed up on several online storefronts. To that end, a couple of items have made their way into online storefronts for pre-order, including a puzzle that gives fans a look at one of the film’s main villains and a coloring book that shows off America Chavez’s star-shaped, multiversal portal! For those of you looking to avoid some first act spoilers, turn back now. As is always the case with the big world of Marvel Studios, however, even when a project is delayed, the big merch machine usually doesn’t slow down. Step 1 of creating a Multiverse Portal is to create the 'Portal Frame'.Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness saw its release date pushed back from March to May of 2022 recently in order to allow for another round of additional photography to be completed. If you're seeking a multi-world authentic experience, you should check outMultiverse-NetherPortals.Ī portal can be constructed out of ANYTHING. Note that the Nether portal blocks (the purple things that make the portals make the weird sound) will not fill these portals, but the portals can have water or lava placed into them for a more authentic experience. Multiverse-Portals provide portals between worlds, similar to vanilla portals, except the destination can go ANYWHERE, as opposed to just the nether. It can make portals to other places and worlds. The most amazing part of it is Multiverse Portals. It is created by fernferret and its team.

Multiverse is a plugin that can generate different worlds for servers.