Prophecy by Ben McCallum (short story, originally published 2012 in Gotrek and Felix: The Anthology). A Cask of Wynters by Josh Reynolds (short story, originally published 2012 in Gotrek and Felix: The Anthology). The Tilean's Talisman by David Guymer (short story, originally published 2011 in Hammer and Bolter issue 14). These novels were collected in omnibus in 20 and with additional short stories in 20 ( ISBN 9781784968762). Death and Glory! by William King (short story, originally published 1993 in Warhammer Armies: The Empire). Werner (short story, originally published 2012 in Gotrek and Felix: The Anthology)
Kineater by Jordan Ellinger (short story, originally published 2012 in Gotrek and Felix: The Anthology). Blood Sport by Josh Reynolds (short story, originally published 2012 in the 15th Birthday Collection). A Place of Quiet Assembly by John Brunner (short story, originally published 2010 in Hammer and Bolter issue 1). Skavenslayer by William King (1999, incorporates Skaven's Claw originally published 1992 in White Dwarf issues 152 and 153). Trollslayer by William King (1999, incorporates Geheimnisnacht originally published 1989 in Warhammer: Ignorant Armies, Wolf Riders originally published 1989 in Warhammer: Wolf Riders, The Dark Beneath the World originally published 1990 in Warhammer: Red Thirst, The Mutant Master originally published 1997 in Inferno! issue 1, and Ulric's Children originally published 1999 in Inferno! issue 11, reissue 2019, ISBN 9781781939345). These novels were collected in omnibus in 20 and with additional short stories in 20 ( ISBN 9781784967857). Gotrek and Felix Gotrek & Felix: The First Omnibus 3.21 Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning.
3.9 The Chronicles of Malus Darkblade: Volume Two. 2.21 The Chronicles of Malus Darkblade: Volume One. 2.20 Undeath Ascendant: A Vampire Counts Omnibus. 2.14 Skaven Wars: The Black Plague Trilogy. 2.3 Vampire Wars: The von Carstein Trilogy.